Receiving clear and structured information via the internet can be complicated.
It needs a user interface to fill in and a server application that sends the data.
RealSender’s “formmail” script lets you create simple and responsive forms,
therefore usable also on tablets and smartphones with small screens,
that will send the data directly to your email address.
Few “Drag & Drop” components will help you structure your questions:

The source is downloadable in a ready-to-use “form.html” file:

- add a “Text Input” field and a “Button” (in the “Buttons” tab), that will let you submit the form

- click the “Download” button (in the “Rendered” tab) to save the file locally
- open form.html, enter some text and press the button to submit the contents
(NOTE: because it’s not published online, the “Thank You” page will be coarse)
The message is received in the RealSender’s “temporary email” service: inxbox.realsender.com
NOTE: in the form.html file, three parameters can be changed:
- recipient = the code associated with the recipient's email
to prevent abuse, the email address is pre-encoded in the sending script
leaving "0" the message is received in the RealSender's "temporary email"
- email = the email address of the person filling out the form (ID=email)
it is only used if there is NO "email" field in the form
- subject = the subject of the email message email
Request a free trial if you want to publish the html file online.
You will thus get an elegant confirmation popup like the one below.
The entered data will be delivered directly to your email box.

Request a free trial
flashmail script

A simple link to insert in the email allows you
to receive immediate feedback from the recipient
Some examples
for more information on this month's promotion, click here:
if you wish to participate in the event, click here:
to order the new product, click here:
If you add the email address at the end of the link, as indicated below,
the reply-to will be inserted, the response will go to the email of the person who clicked:
To prevent the links included in your communications
from being considered as a “phishing attempt”,
a subdomain of the sending domain must be configured, for example:
click.youremaildomain.com CNAME click.realsender.com
The notification recipient, even more than one, is set in the script.
You will let us know it during the configuration phase.
In the examples above, notifications reach
our temporary email, which can be found at:
Request a free trial